2nd version of the pen plotter

October 2021
Building a 3-axis CNC mill

July 2021
Welded desk

I needed a second desk in my room for the 3D printer and other stuff, so I decided it would be cheaper to build my own.
15 May 2021
Some fun pen plotter art

June 2021

When COVID peeked, we stopped going to the gym, and also, the subscription was about to end. We determined that it was cheaper to buy after a quick calculation. our own equipment rather than going to the gym.
May 1 2021
What I did with the free prototyping service from the hackathon

A cool looking toothbrush holder and monitor stand for my PC.
14 December 2020
How a watch i designed got featured in the news

My watch design was compact and looked aesthetic compared to other inventions in the make-athon. Although it didn't work as intended, we had a great learning experience.
1 November 2020
3D scan of myself

I always wanted to have a 3D print of myself, so I bought a used Kinect sensor for cheap and then scanned myself using it.
14 September 2020
Homemade Go Kart